Pandora’s Bench: Moved from Gold to Silver tier.Future Sight: Future Sight One moved from Gold to Silver tier.Dragonmancer Conference: Augment will only show up as an option at Stage 2-1.Birthday Present: Gold granted upon leveling up increased from three to four.Binary Airdrop: Champions Shyvana, Jayce, and Jax will no longer receive backline damage items.Better Together: Item granted changed from Protector’s Vow to Locket of the Iron Solari.

#Backline 600 Patch
Two popular Draconic Augments were removed from Set 7.5 in Patch 12.19. Patch 12.19 TFT Draconic Augment balance changes Image via Riot Games Rocket Propelled Fist (Ornn Artifact): Health nerfed from 300 to 150.Protector’s Vow: Shield health nerfed from 20 percent to 10 percent.Radiant Guardian Stoneplate: Maximum health regeneration increased from one to two percent.Rocket Propelled Fist will no longer grant 300 health. The adjustment to Radiant Gargoyle Stoneplate that was intended to ship in Patch 12.18 will take place in Patch 12.19. The item was a Frozen Heart item replacement that has multiple outputs, according to Mortdog, with adjustments possibly taking place in the future that would narrow down the output results from Protector’s Vow. Having dominated the Set 7.5 Uncharted Realms meta, a nerf was applied to Protector’s Vow shield. Patch 12.19 TFT item balance changes Image via Riot Games A rare error preventing games from completing while competing on mobile due to mismatches has been resolved. In addition to the new match history tab, tabs were added to mobile Set 7.5 missions, allowing players to track their progress better. To flaunt those winning comps, players can tap their portrait on the home screen to view their match history. Starting with the launch of Patch 12.19 in Uncharted Realms, players can show off their match history when playing TFT on mobile devices. TFT Set 7.5 mobile changes Image via Riot Games
#Backline 600 full
Here are the full TFT 12.19 patch notes for Set 7.5, according to Riot. The delayed Secrets of the Shallows event will kick off on Oct. More buffs were applied overall than nerfs overall, along with several important adjustments.
#Backline 600 update
The 12.19 update focuses on nerfing overperforming units like Jayce and Zyra while buffing the vertical Dragon trait. The remainder of Set 7.5 balance patches after Patch 12.19 will focus on tweaks and maintenance, heading into the TFT Uncharted Realms World Championship.

Patch 12.19 is the final major rework update, according to game designer director Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer and game designer Kent “Riot Kent” Wu during the Patch Rundown. The second major Teamfight Tactics balance patch of Set 7.5 removed Draconic Augments, introduced a major rework to Jayce, adjustments to over and underperforming champions, and the launch of the Uncharted Realms Secrets of the Shallows event.